Found an animal in need?
The sad reality is that there are thousands of animals in need every single day on the island, and every single organisation similar to Gouves Animal Shelter is run by a handful of volunteers who pay most costs from their own pockets. Animal shelters do not get government funding and the donations we receive barely cover the costs of food and care for the animals in the shelter, not to mention all the surgeries, medical equipment / medication and transportation required. Sadly, we get pleas for help every day for animals that have been hit by cars, shot or poisoned and sometimes we can't help, no matter how much we want to. It is a heart breaking situation, and we always try to do the best with what we have.
But when you find an animal in need, there are things you can do!
Owned animals needing help
If the animal looks like it has an owner, or it is in a private land and not cared for, call the police. The police are obligated to come out and check the situation and possibly make criminal charges for neglecting or abusing an animal.
Stray animals
If you find a stray in need, please follow these steps:
1. Take the animal to the vet if needed.
2. Make a post in the Animal Lovers on Crete, Greece Facebook page and report what has happened (photos and a detailed location can be really helpful, e.g. "Behind the old tavern in the mountains" doesn't really give us directions, but naming the tavern and providing a map location would help).
3. Be prepared to help yourself. If it's in any way possible, foster the animal in your country and try to find it a good forever home. You can get help with these arrangements from any animal welfare group!
4. Contact a local animal welfare group. Unfortunately these groups are almost always full and cannot take animals in, but if one does have room they will try to help.
5. Make a donation. All animal shelters and charities appreciate any donations, so if you can, please consider making a donation. We could really use the help!
So please, let's all help each other as much as possible by contributing our own time and effort for the ones who need it. If you can, please take the time to follow our advice to help reduce the number of animals admitted to shelters – this will free our time to make further improvements to our shelter, and to help us achieve our long term mission.